
Daw Aung San Suu Kyi And Peace of Burma

Friday, 04, 07, 2008. / ၁၃၇၀ ခုႏွစ္၊ ၀ါဆုိလဆန္း (၂) ရက္။

The way of the mundane world
in which win and lose
wrong and right
praise and blame are facts of life,
confront it with freedom from fear.

A bright and peaceful idea
to establish the new era
that end the long civil war
and work for the national reconciliation
by a sacrifice and a non-violent confrontation
bravely face the dictatorship’s oppression .

The unity of people can construct
the prosperity of country,
do not give up and kneel against repression
“ It is responsibility of the leaders
to control such elements
as threaten the sprit of conciliation.”
Daw suu is a symbol for peace
in the democratic movement.

Aims in her heart
for the justice, freedom and peace
to restore the human rights
and democracy in Burma,
she still fights peacefully for right,
who was extended her detection
by Burmese military junta
that is insulting the desires of Burmese people.

A noble peace laureate,
Daw Aung San Suu Kyi
her leadership of a non-violent way in Burma,
that’s why a revolutionary who does not become
either a suicide bomber or a terrorist.

A constructive criticism
is interpreted as a challenge,
patriots who love the mother land
military regime named that the cynical people,
people who love the peace
do not call a terrorist.
The Burmese military regime has ignored
the reality of people’s life,
under the mismanagement of military generals
people are starving and poor,
though Burma has rich in natural resources
the status of country is a least developed country,
even own the huge amount of natural gas
the electricity is a shortage,
commodities sky-rocket, inflation is high,
one of the world’s leading producers of heroin
increase the social and economic problems,
expend budget in war
but lack of health and education,
the life of people is deteriorated.
Burma as a long term disability,
never recover from social illness.
people love peace who become refugees
by forced labor and forced relocation
in long civil war,
support humanitarian assistance
to the innocent Burmese people
we want to see that new generation possess
the beautiful and peaceful days in future.

In Rawanda
hundreds of thousands of people were killed
the late intervention by United Nations,
do not regret it again
to solve immediately the Burma’s problems
by action of UN Security Council.

Burmese junta
has still violated the human rights
against the people of Burma
and threaten regional security and peace,
ban the imports and stop the investments
continue extending the economic sanction in Burma
do not take the advantage
and a profit from the bloody land of people.

Disappear the hope and peace in the long time
under the brutal dictatorship
in Burma’s history,
“choose between dialogue
or utter devastation”
bring the future of peace and joy together
believe the peaceful days
we always support
Daw Aung San Suu Kyi’s non-violent way,
do not wait for happening without action
we need to show a people’s power movement against oppression.

Aung Khaing Myint


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